Total Thyroid #2

Total Thyroid #2

90 caps 

This product provides complete thyroid support.

Thyroid problems can be behind many symptoms of fatigue, many recurring illnesses, and health problems.  Signs of low thyroid production are:  weight gain, fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, appetite loss, slow heart rate, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, hair loss, dry skin, slow speech, depression, painful periods, allergies, goiter and calcium problems just to name a few.

Signs of thyroid overproduction are:  weight loss, fatigue, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, tremors, sweating, sensitivity to heat, and chest pain.  The thyroid produces two hormones that regulate body temperature, energy usage, and calorie burning. Because it works together with all other glands, it can be impaired by disorders of the other glands.  Total Thyroid will give you complete thyroid support.  You don't have to take it forever like synthroid or other thyroid drugs which can cause loss of bone mass.  You can just take it until you don't need it anymore.

[Note from Phyllis:  With the clearing work I do, along with the ongoing support of the Personal Rejuvenizer, I've found that we can often normalize people's adrenals and thyroids, over time.  Both of these glands were severely dysfunctioning in me, and the thyroid and adrenal products we carry gave me the physical support I needed, until I was able to get everything back to normal energetically.  Now, I take them only when the need shows up (e.g.,this past year, 2019 has been super stressful for many of us), but not necessarily every day for the rest of my life, which is great!]

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